Unit Tests ========== Unittest Examples for Wind and Load ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **CAISO Wind Unittest Examples** ----------------------------------- **fast_CAISO_wind_tests.py** * This test will run very fast because it only includes one sample command line. | | **quick_CAISO_wind_tests.py** * This test is used to check whether some sample command lines will run successfully at once. | | **slow_CAISO_wind_tests.py** * The difference between CAISO_wind_quick_test.py and CAISO_wind_slow_test.py is that the second one will compare the first simulation column and the second simulation column, then show the differences. | | **Load Unittest Examples** --------------------------------------------- **fast_load_tests.py** * This test will run very fast because it only includes one sample command line. | | **load_quick_test.py** * This test is used to check whether some sample command lines will run successfully at once. | | **load_slow_test.py** * The difference between load_quick_test.py and load_slow_test.py is that the second one will compare the first simulation column and the second simulation column, then show the differences. | | **cap_test.py** * This test is used to check whether the scale_by_capacity option works properly. | | **cap_scale_test.py** * This test is used to check whether the target_scale_capacity option works properly by comparing the data scaled by the input option and the manually scaled data. | | Unittest Examples for RTS WIND and BUS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **RTS Wind Unittest Examples** --------------------------------------- **rts_wind_test.py** * This test is used to see whether the sample command line for RTS Wind example will run successfully. | | **Bus_220_Load_test.py** * This test is used to see whether the sample command line for Load example will run successfully. | | Unittest Examples for xxx_makers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **BPA_maker_test.py** * This test is used to see whether the BPA_maker will run successfully. | **fake_BPA_maker_test.py** * This test is used to see whether the fake_BPA_maker will run successfully. | **CAISO_maker_test.py** * This test is used to see whether the CAISO_maker will run successfully. |